Rob joined Molecular Media in 2012 and has had great success as our Director of Sales and Business Operations.
Molecular Media’s Board of Directors believes that Rob will shepherd the company toward many years of growth.
Confident of his executive business experience, the partners felt that Rob was the best person for the job.
Steven J. Levy said, “I am proud to say that I have known Rob for 20 years. He is one of the most intelligent, patient and strategic thinkers that I have ever met. We are fortunate to have someone at the helm with his level of enterprise leadership experience. I’m excited to celebrate this appointment and his many future successes.”
Rob has been a driver of Molecular Media’s track record of can-do client relationships. Kevin Lampman maintained, “Rob’s proven results and common sense approach to customer service are a prefect fit for Molecular as we continue to grow and evolve our customer base. We all look forward to a great future!”
On the efficiency front, Rob will be instrumental in shaping Molecular Media into a lean machine. “I am excited to be working with Rob Salo in his new role as CEO and hopefully tapping into his extensive experience with upper management to put an ‘edge’ on an already efficient machine. His participation thus far has allowed Molecular Media to be more efficient to ourselves and more importantly… our clients”, mentioned Barry Brown.
Tom Ierna said, “Rob has been a catalyst for positive change here at Molecular Media, and I’m thrilled about his appointment as CEO. His informed, measured approach will drive our steady growth for years to come.”
Focusing Molecular Media’s direction is now in Rob’s capable hands. “Rob has been a guiding light here at Molecular, and I am very excited for the bright future that lies ahead under his leadership”, said Jerry Wood.
After graciously accepting the role, Rob Salo commented, “Molecular Media has worked hard to earn the trust of its clients since 1997, and the role of CEO is at the vanguard of those efforts. I appreciate the faith the board has placed in me, and I look forward to showing them and our clients that when we all focus on the customer experience, we can grow and win as a team.”