The More You Mo…

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     Welcome back to “The More You Mo…”! We are here, again, to bring you the best tips and tricks from the industry. Today’s tips are related to messaging and how to get the most out of your live presentation. Presenting PowerPoint or Keynote presentations is a part of almost every event/meeting Molecular Media services, and we felt it important to bring our readers some helpful hints. With that being said, we have seen the best and the most timid when it comes to presenters. Through the power of observation our local Producer/Guru Barry Brown has compiled a Quick Tips List to help even the most seasoned presenter ensure that that their message is getting the most bang for the buck. Take a look and feel free to comment on this article with your own tips and tricks!

One of the most common mistakes is to believe that flashy graphics will make up for unpolished presentation skills. When you present with multi-media you are more than a performer. You are a producer. Be aware and stay in control of what you and your technology are conveying to the audience.

1. Stand on the left side as the audience sees you. Because we read from left to right your audience can look at you then follow your gesture to the screen. Their eyes are comfortably moving left to right, they read the text then they return to you. If you stood on the right side their eyes have to make too many movements to read the slides and watch you. If you present using Hebrew, (read right to left), stand on the right side of the screen. If you present using old Chinese, (top to bottom), climb on top of the screen, (just kidding).

2. You are the show. Be heard and be seen. Stand away from the computer and in the light. Use a remote mouse to get away from the computer. Too many times we have seen presenters hide in the dark behind the laptop. Arrange the lighting in the room so that you are in the light while the screen is dark. You might need to unscrew some of the ceiling lights to get it right.

3. Turn off the screen savers on your computer – any that are part of the Windows software – plus the one that comes with the laptop. It is embarrassing for you to be talking about important points you thought were on the screen while they are looking at flying toasters or your family at Dollywood. It is even worse when your energy saver kicks in and shuts it all down. Remember to adjust these settings as well.

4. Learn how to use the switch that toggles between your native laptop screen and and the projector/screen output. Often this is a function key. This toggle controls whether your laptop or projector – or both – (dash on both sides of “or both”) are on. You want both on so you can look at the laptop while the audience watches the same image behind you on the screen. Occasionally glance quickly at the screen just to check. But put your laptop between you and the audience so you can be looking at your audience while speaking. This directly contradicts the point you made in point number 2.

5. Color’s appear differently on the projector, the laptop, and the desktop where you designed it. If the exact color is important, (perhaps for a company logo), test and adjust the color ahead of time.

6. Keep it simple with the colors and special effects. Use no more than six colors on a slide. Use slide transitions and builds to entertain without detracting from your message. Effects like partial build (you should put that in quotes to separate it from “reveals”)reveals one point at a time allowing your audience to stay right with you.

7. Motion attracts their eyes. Gesture to the screen when you want them to look there. Use moving text to grab attention. Stand still when you want them to look at the screen. Move when you want to capture their attention again.

8. Test your slides for size and readability by standing six feet away from the monitor. If you can read the monitor then your audience will likely be able to read the screen. If they can not comfortably see and read your screen all you did was to (remove) annoy them.

9. Arrive early and test everything. Re-read this line – again!

10. Murphy loves technology. Be prepared with backup files, an extra power source for the laptop and projector and spare batteries for your remote mouse. It only takes one little thing to spoil it. Be prepared to give your presentation without the hardware.

Bonus TIPPeople buy you – not your technology. You are always selling yourself – don’t get lost in the technology. 


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