Hi-Tech Message Delivery

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The proliferation of technology in the event and meeting arena has created new mediums for message delivery.  As competitors vie for business across this competitive marketplace, the integration of technology as a revenue growth driver has encouraged more and more participation.  Unfortunately, the increase in participation has diluted the quality of the product, and customers are often finding the technology at their event is poorly designed, poorly executed, and over priced.

For the last several years, technologies like 3D Projection Mapping and other integrated mediums have broadened the options for clients looking to “wow” audiences.  Started primarily in Europe, projection mapping has created a new artists’ outlet, with potential applications in many venues.  When done well, it can be an incredibly impactful messaging platform.

“Projection Mapping can be a lot of fun,” said Andrew White, CEO of Molecular Media, Inc. “It can be eye catching, jaw dropping… just, wow.  When combined with interactive, audience participation technologies, it can go pretty far.”

The problem, particularly with so many unqualified vendors claiming to be able to produce projection-mapped content, is that the impact of a poorly performed installation can be completely lost.  What’s worse, when customers commit money to other integrated technologies that are intended to compliment their mapped messages, they are often finding the integrations don’t work, and their financial commitment is misguided.  Bottom line – clients are wasting money on bad execution.

Kevin Lampman, COO of Molecular Media, Inc. and long-time fixture in the event industry, has seen a lot of technology come and go.  “Lots of people are doing projection mapping.  Very few people are doing it well.”  According to Lampman, if any of these innovative technologies are not integrated with other interactive messaging platforms, messaging is less effective, and the impact on audiences isn’t realized.  “Technologies like projection mapping should be a gateway to other event technologies, like ARS and Mobile Applications.  When working together, these pieces combine for an incredible show.”

White and Lampman agree that technology integration is crucial in message delivery and retention, and have built their company on the ability to produce these technologies individually, but specializing in being able to integrate many technologies together.

“Every client should ask their vendor how they are going to integrate their message into their technology,” White said.  “If there isn’t a plan for the integration, and the vendor is just hung up on the ‘art’ of their installation, then that vendor is not a good choice for them.  Our company, Molecular Media, Inc., believes the art is in the integration, not just in the production.”

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